Challenging Time: Audi do Brasil Reveals Teaser of the Project with Senna Brand

São Paulo, Brazil – On the day that marks the legacy of Ayrton Senna to the world, Audi do Brasil and Senna Brands start an unprecedented partnership to celebrate the 30 years of operation of the four-ring brand in Brazil and the history of the three-time world champion driver. Since the beginning of the month, Audi do Brasil and the Senna brand have come together to present the campaign of an institutional project involving companies that celebrate 30 years of history and legacy. The first step was taken today with the revelation of the teaser of the #DesafiandoOTempo campaign.

[source: Audi do Brasil]

“We are very happy to celebrate this successful partnership that reveals one of our great projects for the future through a milestone in our history that refers to our past. Audi do Brasil completes 30 years of history in the country and we want to tell this story through time,” says Gerold Pillekamp, responsible for the marketing and communication area of Audi do Brasil.

Among so many legacies left by Ayrton Senna to the Brazilian people, the German brand can be considered one of them. And to honor this story, the brand created a project that will seek a new legacy of the idol.

“We are happy to start this project with Audi, a brand that Ayrton brought to Brazil 30 years ago and is part of the legacy he left us. We hope that the public and Senna fans will like the news that we will present in the coming weeks,” says Ana Simões, CMO of Senna Brands.

The partnership between Audi do Brasil and Senna Brands began on May 1 and celebrates the union of brands in actions that share the same values and purposes.

“Legacies defy time. Everything passes, but they stay. It is an honor to be able to tell part of the inspiring story of Ayrton Senna and his connection with Audi in the 30 years of the brand in Brazil. The launch of the #DesafiandoOTempo campaign is a milestone for iD\TBWA and represents only the beginning of this incredible partnership. Much is yet to come,” says Camila Costa, CEO of the iD\TBWA agency, responsible for the creation and advertising of Audi do Brasil. The first video about the partnership can be seen here.

Audi do Brasil

Audi celebrates 30 years in Brazil in 2024, a trajectory full of challenges, overcoming and achievements. The first appearance in the country took place in 1992, at the São Paulo Motor Show, with the Audi 100 sedan. The following year, the eternal idol Ayrton Senna became the official representative of the brand on national soil, with Senna Import. In 1994, the automaker’s coveted vehicles began to be officially marketed here and soon won the streets of the country, with unprecedented technologies and unprecedented driving dynamics.

Audi do Brasil is also one of the pioneers to encourage electromobility and has already invested almost R$ 90 million in the infrastructure of electric chargers throughout the country, in addition to offering charging infrastructure in more than 40 dealerships in the national territory. Currently, Audi has consolidated itself as one of the most desired brands in Brazil, being present with its administrative headquarters in São Paulo (SP), logistics terminal in Vinhedo (SP) and the vehicle factory in São José dos Pinhais, in the metropolitan region of Curitiba (PR), where the Audi Q3 and Audi Q3 Sportback models are produced.

About Senna Brands

Senna Brands is a company that is part of a group created by the family of the three-time champion to manage the assets linked to the pilot and the iconic brands Senna and Senninha. Through official products, fan experiences, tributes, events and partnerships, Senna Brands maintains the purpose of perpetuating Ayrton Senna’s legacy and making Senna’s positive values an inspiration for fans and new generations. In 2024, the brand prepares a series of events to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the pilot’s legacy and engage the passionate community of fans and admirers around the world.

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