
Audi Club North America believes that driving and riding in Audi vehicles is a significant part of the ownership experience. The club encourages chapters to develop and provide a variety of driving event offerings. Additionally, support is provided to the chapters including a standardized set of operating guidelines to maximize safety.

Driving and related events include:

  • Drivers education (DE, HPDE, instructed lapping, track days), “driving schools”
  • Driver skills (DS, exercises), teen clinics, safety schools, “car control clinics”
  • Autocross, gymkhana
  • Winter driving schools
  • Technical clinics
  • Fun, themed and time-speed-distance (TSD) rallies
  • Rallycross and overlanding style events
  • Tours, dinner drives, destination drives, overnight and weekend trips
  • Car shows, concours d’elegance, concours de sport
  • Get-togethers, meets

Driving events may be held on public roads or on closed courses such as racetracks or parking lots, dependent on venue requirements and location restrictions.

Primary responsibility resides with the individual event participant including:

  • Individuals participating in chapter or national driving events on public roads and facilities must understand that they are to observe and abide by all traffic laws at all times. No violation of traffic law is acceptable or permitted.
  • Drivers at closed course events must bring a vehicle that they determine is appropriate for the activity and safe to operate in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and procedures established by the facility owner/operator and these Audi Club North America guidelines.

Audi Club chapters utilize ACNA-provided guidelines to operate all ACNA-sanctioned high-speed and low-speed wheels in motion (WIM) events to a standards set by the Audi Club North America national organization.

Any questions concerning these guidelines should be directed to the Audi Club North America national office who will engage the organization’s Performance Drivers Education Committee (PDEC) for timely follow up.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization, Audi Club North America supports driving school programs conducted by its chartered chapters as part of the organizational mission to promote driver education and safety.

Chapters hosting these events are:

  • Required to abide by the provided minimum standards, and may set additional and/or more stringent requirements for their events.
  • Expected to support event participantsby providing an environment, training andinformationthat is suitable for learning.
  • Encouraged to consult with Audi Club North America to propose any changes to these standards that will improve the Audi Club driving education program and enhance event safety.

A copy of the most recent Driving School and Events Guidelines should be present at every Audi Club North America high-speed and low-speed WIM event.

Drivers and instructors participating in “high-speed” events such as High-Performance Driver Education (HPDE or DE) and lapping must be current members of Audi Club North America. Membership is not required for visitors and guests who have not paid the event registration fee, including those who want a track familiarization ride as allowed by the event rules.

Audi Club membership is not required for participants at low-speed events such as driving tours, autocross (below 50 mph), Driver Skills (DS) events, Teen Clinics, nor for club meetings, shows, cars & coffee meets, tech sessions, get-togethers and other social events. Chapter management may require that participants in certain low-speed and social events be Audi Club members at their own discretion. Waivers must be signed by each participant for all high speed and low speed “wheels in motion events”.

  • Required to abide by the provided minimum standards, and may set additional and/or more stringent requirements for their events.
  • Expected to support event participantsby providing an environment, training andinformationthat is suitable for learning.
  • Encouraged to consult with Audi Club North America to propose any changes to these standards that will improve the Audi Club driving education program and enhance event safety.

A copy of the most recent Driving School and Events Guidelines should be present at every Audi Club North America high-speed and low-speed WIM event.