Final Audi R8 Rolls off Assembly Line

It is truly the end of an era, with the final Audi R8 sportscar rolling out of Audi’s Böllinger Höfe plant near Stuttgart recently. Though it had enjoyed an extension of its production life, this Vegas Yellow R8 performance quattro marks the R8 era with finality.

Audi Tradition celebrated the moment with a post on Instagram (seen here), while Top Gear Magazine was on hand to witness the event. They’ve posted a few photos and promise more of a feature-length story in an upcoming issue of their book.

Audi Tradition was also on hand at the event, celebrating the production milestone with several historical cars from their collection that help display the rich lineage of the R8. Amongst them was the original Le Mans concept car that signaled Audi’s entry into the exotic car space.

Audi hasn’t yet announced if or when an R8 replacement will arrive, but look for a deep dive of intel on that subject in our upcoming Q2_2024 issue of quattro Magazine.

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