FCP Euro Lifetime Replacement Guarantee Update

source: FCP Euro, photo: George Achorn

FCP Euro set a standard in the industry when they introduced the Lifetime Replacement Guarantee. Simply put, the guarantee assures every part you buy from FCP Euro is guaranteed for as long as you own your car. If that part fails or wears out, FCP Euro replaces it for full credit…even used oil. It’s a highly popular choice amongst people who work on their own car, or when the focus is on wear and tear items. Now, beginning November 1st, FCP Euro will be fine tuning the guarantee in order to make sure it is viable to continue long into the future. Below is the statement from Scott Drozd, CEO of FCP Euro detailing the changes:

From the very beginning, all of us at FCP Euro wanted to do more for the community by making owning and maintaining a European vehicle more affordable and accessible to everyone. In 2012 we figured out how to do just that with the inception of our industry-first FCP Euro Lifetime Replacement Guarantee put in place so we can stand by the quality of parts offered on our site. 
You probably already know of our Lifetime Replacement Guarantee if you’re reading this. To put it plainly, every part you buy from us is guaranteed for as long as you own the vehicle. When a part you purchased from fcpeuro.com wears out, fails, or has reached the end of its life, you can order a replacement, return the old one, and receive a full credit for the part initially purchased. 
With the growth of our business and the community also came an increasing number of enthusiastic customers using our Lifetime Replacement Guarantee appropriately. Unfortunately, we also found an increasing number of orders straying from the program’s original spirit designed specifically to support the enthusiast. 
A lot has changed in the decade since we launched the program, and as we look to the future, it’s becoming clear that to be able to continue offering our Lifetime Replacement Guarantee, we must make it more sustainable. We will always continue to honor the spirit of the Guarantee while making some adjustments to the administration of the program. 

These updates will be going into effect on 11/01/2022: 

  • All Lifetime Replacement Guarantee refunds will be issued as store credit 
  • On orders placed before 11/01/2022, the original Lifetime Replacement Guarantee policy will still be in effect. Those returns will default to credit but can be converted to cash refunds on request by emailing service@fcpeuro.com
  • Refunds will be for the price of the original part purchased
    • Example 1: You purchased brake pads for $50.00 in 2020. Those same brake pads now cost $55.00. You will be credited $50 at the time of completion. 
    • Example 2: You purchased an oil change kit for $60.00 in 2020. That same oil change kit now costs $48.00. You will be credited $60 at the time of completion.

As we grow, we’re rapidly increasing the number of parts we stock. Not only does this allow you to receive your parts faster than ever, but we’re also able to offer you the most competitive prices possible.

In addition to these small updates to the policy, we will be implementing changes in how the program is monitored and how future updates are addressed to continue to maintain its availability. If you regularly follow the guidelines on lifetime.fcpeuro.com, the process should remain similar for you.

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