Audi do Brasil and Senna Brands Announce Partnership

São Paulo, Brazil – On the eve of Ayrton Senna’s birthday, Audi do Brasil and Senna Brands announce an unprecedented partnership to celebrate the 30 years of operation of the four ring brand in Brazil and the legacy of the three-time world champion pilot. From May, Audi do Brasil and Senna Brands will come together to present an institutional campaign with brand actions and projects involving companies that celebrate 30 years of history and legacy.

[source: Audi do Brasil]

“Audi do Brasil completes 30 years of history in the country and we understand that the best way to tell this story is to connect our past with our future and bring the idol that conquered crowds and left an eternal legacy to the world. We are very pleased to join Senna Brands and we hope to contribute in the best way to this formidable work that has been carried out over the last three decades,” celebrates Daniel Rojas, President & CEO of Audi do Brasil.

“The partnership between Audi do Brasil and Senna Brands will celebrate the 30 years of the pilot’s legacy, responsible for bringing to the Brazilian market the brand of vehicles admired around the world. The union of brands in this special year will be celebrated in an institutional project and actions that share the same values, purposes and legacies,” says Bianca Senna, CEO of Senna Brands.

The partnership between Audi do Brasil and Senna Brands will begin from May 1 and will celebrate the union of brands in institutional projects, advertising campaigns and actions involving companies with the aim of uniting values, purposes and legacies in a special year for brands.

Audi do Brasil – Commitment to diversity, sustainability and inclusion

Audi AG has a global ESG structure that integrates the company’s business strategy and brand positioning. In Brazil, this pillar involves initiatives of diversity, sustainability, inclusion and respect for the environment.

In 2022, the brand spread 100 million seeds of 27 native tree species in a deforested area in the Amazon. In addition to the units distributed by air, another six million seeds were delivered to an indigenous community in the region. In 2023, Audi do Brasil, the Audi Environmental Foundation and the NGO Litro de Luz delivered lighting solutions with solar energy in 12 indigenous communities of São Paulo, benefiting 147 families in the coastal region with intermittent access to energy. In the previous year, the brand had already provided almost 200 lighting solutions that benefited more than 600 residents of riverside communities in the Amazon.

At the end of 2021, Audi do Brasil became an official sponsor of the Brazilian men’s and women’s volleyball teams for the disabled until the end of the Paris Paralympic Games in 2024. In addition to stamping official uniforms, equipment and advertising materials of the team, the brand of the four rings provided the luxury utility Audi Q5 adapted to the transport of athletes.

In Brazil, Audi has projects such as the use of 100% clean energy from solar panels in the Technical Center (SP) and in the dealer network in the country. Audi do Brasil also invested R$ 20 million in the installation of electric chargers in the 42 dealerships of the brand in Brazil, compatible with vehicles of all brands.

Finally, the Women Audi project has several workshops, lectures and workshops, aiming to expand participation and encourage the protagonism of women in the automotive sector, historically occupied by men.

Audi from Brazil

Audi celebrates 30 years in Brazil in 2024, a trajectory full of challenges, overcoming and achievements. The first appearance in the country took place in 1992, at the São Paulo Motor Show, with the Audi 100 sedan. The following year, the eternal idol Ayrton Senna became the official representative of the brand on national soil, with Senna Import. In 1994, the automaker’s coveted vehicles began to be officially marketed here and soon won the streets of the country, with unprecedented technologies and unprecedented driving dynamics.

Audi do Brasil is also one of the pioneers to encourage electromobility and has already invested almost R$ 90 million in the infrastructure of electric chargers throughout the country, in addition to offering charging infrastructure in more than 40 dealerships in the national territory. Currently, Audi has consolidated itself as one of the most desired brands in Brazil, being present with its administrative headquarters in São Paulo (SP), logistics terminal in Vinhedo (SP) and the vehicle factory in São José dos Pinhais, in the metropolitan region of Curitiba (PR), where the Audi Q3 and Audi Q3 Sportback models are produced.

About Senna Brands

Group created by the family of the three-time champion who is dedicated to managing and optimizing the assets associated with the iconic brands Senna and Senninha. Through important partnerships with prominent national and international brands, Senna Brands is committed to preserving Ayrton Senna’s legacy, engaging the passionate community of fans and admirers around the world. For more information, access the website

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